The Sherry Cobbler


  • 60 ml (2 oz) amontillado sherry

  • 15 ml (1/2 oz) PX sherry

  • 1 dash Mr Bitters Apricot and Hickory bitters (optional)

  • 2 wedges orange

  • 2 wedges lemon

  • Mint sprig to garnish

  • Fresh berries to garnish (optional)


  • A jigger

  • Shaker tins

  • A barspoon

  • A goblet or rocks glass

  • A straw


Squeeze your wedges of fruit in to your tin.

Add the sherries and bitters to your shaker tins, fill with ice, close the tins together and shake hard! Cobblers are traditionally served on crushed ice, and you can absolutely strain it over crushed ice if you have the time and inclination to make some (or a machine!), but an easy fix is to ‘shake and dump’, i.e. not strain at all but pour the entire contents of your shaker in to the glass.

The broken up ice gives the effect you’re after. Garnish with mint and fresh fruit, and it must be served with a straw.

Suggested Spirits

Cobblers actually work with pretty much any sherry. We love Amontillado as the star of the show because of its depth and nuttiness, but try splitting it half and half with Fino for a dryer version, or do entirely Cream Sherry for sweeter.

Sugar is the traditional sweetener, but PX  adds a great raisiny dimension.

I’m also using a fun local bitters to add a bit of warmth and spice, but they’re definitely not necessary- Angostura would overpower so just leave them out if you don’t have anything fruity and floral.

Try switching out the orange for different seasonal fruits.

Sherry Cobbler bottles for web.jpg

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